HMICS recognises that the areas of policing identified for scrutiny and assurance work is rarely the responsibility of a single public service. Societal issues that impact on policing frequently impact on other public services subject to scrutiny activity, and we are committed to, wherever possible, looking at our role in collaboration with other scrutiny bodies.
Wherever possible, we have engaged in collaborative working that embodies the principles set out in the Crerar Review and priorities to support the development of effective and sustainable public services contained in the Christie Report. HMICS is a core participant in the Strategic Public Sector Scrutiny Network that seeks to ensure assurance and inspection activity is proportionate, effective, minimises supplication and promotes multi sector scrutiny work where appropriate.
Joint scrutiny activity has increased significantly in recent years, and it is anticipated this will continue as scrutiny bodies seek to improve overarching services to the public. The bodies listed below provide some further information on the type of activity subject to collaborative scrutiny.