Healthcare in Custody
Since 2023, HMICS has worked in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, initially providing a baseline assessment of the provision of healthcare services to police custody centres in Scotland. Our objective is to map out healthcare provision to custody centres including governance arrangements, models of delivery and level of service provided. A joint report on the findings from the assessment was published and we have utilised our findings since the report to inform an ongoing series of onsite joint inspections of custody centres, for which information and reports can be found using the following link:
Services for Children at Risk of Harm
HMICS has a long-standing commitment to collaborate with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Care Inspectorate, and Education Scotland on joint inspections of services for children and young people. We are active participants in the joint inspection programme, led by the Care Inspectorate. Joint reports on this area of work can be found using the following link:
Adult Support and Protection
Scottish Ministers requested that the Care Inspectorate lead joint inspections of adult support and protection in collaboration with Healthcare Improvement Scotland and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland. This programme is ongoing and consists of both geographical and thematic inspections including the development of a Quality Improvement Framework in relation to self-evaluation of adult support and protection. Joint reports on this area of work can be found using the following link: