HMICS Strategic review of the Scottish Police Authority

10 June 2024

The aim of this strategic review was to assess the state, efficiency and effectiveness of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) in fulfilling its core role and meeting its statutory obligations.

HMICS has undertaken four inspections of the SPA, or the forensics services that it provides to Police Scotland, since the inception of the service in 2013.

The most recent review had the specific objective of assessing the SPA’s journey of improvement since the last HMICS inspection in 2019.

It took the format of validating a self-evaluation conducted by the SPA, as well as analysis of other documentation, interviews and observations.

The HMICS report, A Strategic Review of the Scottish Police Authority, resulted in 17 areas for development for the SPA, and just one recommendation.




The SPA should put in place measures to monitor progress against the areas for development outlined in this review, ensuring regular public reporting to allow assessment of progress.

Publication type: 
Inspection report