HMICS Inspection Framework 2018

11 May 2018

In 2014, HMICS published its first Inspection Framework. We developed the framework so as to help our inspectors develop a common approach to inspections. While each inspection varies in subject matter and scope, our framework was intended to provide a structure within which we could ensure a consistent and professional approach to our work and which would help inspected bodies, stakeholders and the public to know what to expect from HMICS.

Since then, we have applied our framework to a wide range of policing activity. In light of this experience of its use, we have reviewed and revised our framework to ensure that it continues to meet our needs. While the six framework themes have remained the same, we have updated the quality indicators which underpin those themes. Our revised HMICS Inspection Framework will continue to form the basis of any inspection. There remains scope for flexibility however, if a framework theme does not align to the inspection objectives. The framework itself can be used in its entirety, or adapted so that the themes and quality indicators reflect the purpose of any inspection.

The framework is based on the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model and Best Value Characteristics. These self-evaluation models are used in many public sector settings. These models have been simplified and altered to provide an inspection framework model to assist in the inspection of elements of policing or the Scottish Police Authority. It should also assist with identifying areas of good or poor performance and in establishing priorities for improvement.

The framework has been independently reviewed and endorsed by Quality Scotland, the National Partner Organisation of the EFQM.

Our inspection framework will continue to be reviewed and updated in light of our experience of inspection and what works, as well as changes in the wider context of inspection and self-assessment.

Gillian Imery QPM

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland

May 2018

Publication type: 
HMICS Corporate document