Strategic review – an independent assessment of Police Scotland’s response to a breach of Home Detention Curfew (HDC) - Terms of Reference

28 June 2018

This strategic review of the Police Scotland response to apprehending individuals following revocation of their Home Detention Curfew licence has been directed by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and will be undertaken by HMICS in terms of section 74(1) of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012. Our report will be provided to Scottish Ministers and published in terms of sections 78 (1) and (2) of the Act.

Following the sentencing of James Wright for murder, an offence committed while ‘unlawfully at large’ having breached his Home Detention Curfew in February 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for Justice set out the following expectations of the strategic review:

to provide an independent assessment of the operation, procedures and safeguards in place by Police Scotland in relation to apprehending individuals who have breached their Home Detention Curfew with the objective of providing assurance to Scottish Ministers, the Scottish Parliament and the public. Where relevant, this should include recommendations to address any gaps in the current operation, processes, safeguards and available police powers or where opportunities to drive improvement are identified.

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